This page has the full pause menu maps for easy reference. I wanted to have the map available without having to open the game, + I saw everyone using low quality screenshots for guides. Feel free to use for whatever you need, credit is appreciated :)Rooms ripped and stitched by me.

Unused maps
While looking through the assets I found a few interesting map parts that aren't visible in the game. These two show the interior of Eleanor's cabin (bp_gh = the gardens). In the game, the map is hidden when you enter the cabin/graveyard.

This one shows the room of Old Habits. It gets its own unique code (bp_monster). Like the cabin, the map is hidden while you're in thisroom - the monster's map locator is placed at the door, inside the casino storage room.

There's a few blank green rooms like this, possibly used for testing, but this one is especially interesting for potentially being a scrapped bathroom. Famously, the mansion contains no bathrooms.